Many users have now abandoned using MP3 players to listen to their music on cell phones or tablets. However, there is still a market for MP3 players. The Apple iPod models dominate this market of course. However, there are other competitors producing MP3 players, which are worth considering. This is important if you do not want to tie yourself into using iTunes for your songs.
Sound Quality
The sound quality is better on a dedicated MP3 player rather than your smartphone.
Not such an important factor as you would think when looking at MP3 players. Most players come supplied with cheap headphones. The best way to improve the sound quality is to buy better headphones.
Battery Life
The battery life can vary considerably between different MP3 players. The battery life can depend a lot on the type of MP3 player. Flash memory players generally have a longer life than hard drive players do.
All MP3 players are portable. Some MP3 such as flash drives are the very light, the size of a USB Stick. Others are larger and heavier put will still be able to fit into your pocket. The larger the MP3 player the more music it can hold.
Storage Capacity
Most models today come with flash memory. Although there are a few models which have a hard disk drive. These are great if you need a lot of storage e.g. If you wish to carry a lot of music around with you. Currently the largest MP3 players have a maximum capacity of 64GB.
Do you want a screen?
You can buy a MP3 player with or without a screen. If you just want to load music and listen, you can buy a MP3 player with just a few controls and no screen. If you want to view what you are, playing you will need a screen.
Ease of Use
You need easy to use controls and a good screen. Therefore, you can select your song to play and view the contents of your record collection.
Does it Play Video
Most MP3 players can play videos but you have to view them on a small screen. Therefore, you need to buy a MP3 player with a larger screen and with more storage. Look out for how easy it is to store video files and the type of file format supported.
How are you going to use the MP3 Player?
If you want to use the MP3 for running or working out you need to consider a smaller lighter model, one that you can clip to your shirt or strap onto your arm. In addition, you will need to consider a more robust model. If you want to watch Video make sure you have a large, enough screen to view comfortably.